Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Law School

Hello Loves!!

I have some exciting news: I'm going to law school! It feels so good to be writing these words. I start orientation next week and classes start on the 19th of August. I received a really great scholarship that pays for almost all of my tuition. I have worked so hard to get here. I plan to continue to blog throughout my law school experience. I actually have a few life updates as well:

1) My husband and I celebrated one year of wedded bliss in July. I can't believe it has been a whole year already! I absolutely love being married. I officially changed my name too!

2) My husband and I rescued a Shih Tzu puppy, named Addy (Adeline). Having a puppy is such a change. I absolutely love Addy and it is so fun to watch her grow and explore the world.

^^This is when we first brought her home! She was soooo tiny!

<This is a picture of her now! I absolutely adore and am obsessed with Addy. She is my best friend and my faithful companion. I feel like everyone should rescue a dog! I don't even remember what my life was like without her. I am so glad that she will be by my side during law school. *Don't worry- my husband works from home, so he is home with her every single day. I get this question a lot: What will happen to Addy now that you will be in law school? She is very well taken care of and gets a lot of attention :).

3) I quit my job! As of today, I am officially unemployed. Obviously, during law school, I will not have time to have a job since school will be my job. I worked at a small law firm for almost six years, while I was in undergrad and studying for the LSAT. I was an administrative assistant. It was a great job because I had a lot of time to do homework. I also made a life long friendship with our paralegal, who is an amazing person. It was really sad saying goodbye to her, but we promised each other that we would stay in touch. It was weird waking up today and not going to work. I actually got a lot done today: cleaned out my closet, organized my bookshelf, gave Addy a bath, and did laundry.

I still can't believe that I am going to law school! I have worked so hard for this and all of the sacrifices that I had to make were worth it (in my opinion).

Yesterday, I was talking to my boss and I asked her what her favorite part about law school was? She literally said, "nothing". What the f***?! She told me that she absolutely hated law school and she didn't like anything about it. I was shocked to hear this because other attorneys that I have talked to all seemed to really like law school. Even the law school bloggers that I follow do seem to like law school to some extent. I feel like she was trying to scare me, and she said that one of her law school professors threw a book at a student. Wow. So maybe law school wasn't a good fit for her? I have a feeling I am going to like it. I have always loved school and have always excelled in academics. Obviously, this will be different than my undergrad. Don't worry, I will keep you updated on it.

I just bought all of my textbooks for law school. I probably had to order about ten textbooks- the grand total was about $1045.00. Wow, good lord!! I already have homework to do also. I was told to dress business professional for the orientation next week. I signed up for rent the runway for my clothes. I did the math and it was actually cheaper to get clothes from rent the runway then it was to buy a bunch of clothes that I only needed for a week and not even wear again. I'll make a separate post and write what I wore for orientation.

Last time I wrote on this blog, I wrote how challenging the LSAT was for me. I sucked it up and finally got my dream score!! Because I got such a great score I was able to get a very generous scholarship, which was my goal this whole time. I haven't had really any experience with standardized testing, so the LSAT was a new experience for me. I didn't take the SAT, because I went to a community college to save money before I transferred to a four-year school. Overall, the LSAT was hard and practice really does make perfect. I think the best advice I could give to someone who is thinking about taking the LSAT would be: don't sit for the LSAT until you are getting your target score on your practice tests and take actual timed tests with the five sections. Man, after I finished taking the LSAT I threw out all my LSAT material in the garbage.

< This was all of the LSAT material that I had in my office!! This pile included practice tests and Powerscore test books. UGH!! I don't even know how many LSAT practice tests I took. I signed up for 7Sage and printed out their practice tests. In my opinion, 7Sage was the best value for money. I probably took about two practice tests a week and spent the rest of the week reviewing them. I made sure that I took at least one day off a week from anything LSAT related.

That is it for now! Be kind to everyone <3

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